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Conquer Procrastination with "Someday" - A Game-Changing Productivity App Feature

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Productivity has become critical to our personal and professional success in today's fast-paced environment. However, the constant stream of activities and deadlines frequently results in procrastination. Let's explore the various ways to avoid procrastination!

What is Procrastination?

Procrastination can be defined as the act of delaying or postponing tasks or actions despite knowing that they need to be completed. It involves voluntarily choosing to engage in less important or enjoyable activities instead of focusing on the ones that require attention and effort. Often, procrastination arises from a combination of factors, such as poor time management, lack of motivation, fear of failure, perfectionism, or feeling overwhelmed.

Procrastination Meaning and Impact

The meaning of procrastination extends beyond simple task avoidance. It can have significant consequences on various aspects of life. From a productivity standpoint, procrastination leads to missed deadlines, subpar work quality, and a constant feeling of being behind schedule. On a psychological level, it can result in increased stress, anxiety, and reduced self-esteem. Procrastination also affects personal relationships, as uncompleted tasks or unfulfilled commitments can strain trust and lead to misunderstandings.

Procrastination is a common habit that affects people from all walks of life. It is the act of delaying or postponing tasks that require immediate attention, often in favor of less important or more enjoyable activities. Procrastination can lead to increased stress, missed opportunities, and decreased productivity.

Defining the "Someday" Feature:

The "Someday" feature in Insumo goes beyond a traditional to-do list. It allows users to add tasks that are non-urgent and do not have a specific deadline. Instead of completely dismissing these tasks or letting them pile up, users can assign them to the "Someday" category as a gentle reminder to address them in the near future. By doing so, the app helps users maintain a sense of accountability and progress, even for tasks that are not time-sensitive.

Breaking the Procrastination Cycle:

Capturing Ideas:

One of the primary reasons people procrastinate is the fear of forgetting important tasks or ideas. With the "Someday" feature, users can capture these ideas as soon as they come to mind, eliminating the worry of losing them. By storing these tasks in the app, users can free up mental space and focus on the task at hand, knowing that their ideas are safely recorded for future reference.


Insumo's "Someday" feature encourages users to evaluate the importance and urgency of each task. By categorizing tasks as "Someday," users can ensure that they focus on more pressing matters while still acknowledging the existence of these non-urgent tasks. This helps maintain a balanced workload and prevents overwhelm. Users can assign a priority level to each "Someday" task, allowing them to have a clear understanding of their overall task list.

Scheduled Review:

Insumo's "Someday" feature prompts users to review their "Someday" tasks periodically. This regular review ensures that tasks are not forgotten and provides an opportunity to reevaluate their priority. By revisiting these tasks, users can assess whether they have become more time-sensitive or if they can be delegated or removed altogether. The app's notification system reminds users to review their "Someday" tasks, helping them stay on top of their responsibilities.

Incremental Progress:

The "Someday" feature promotes the idea of taking small steps towards completing non-urgent tasks. By breaking down these tasks into manageable sub-tasks, users can make progress without feeling overwhelmed. This incremental approach helps build momentum and motivation, reducing the likelihood of procrastination. Insumo allows users to add notes, attachments, and set reminders for each task, empowering them to break down larger tasks into actionable steps.

Psychological Impact:

The mere act of assigning a task to the "Someday" category can have a positive psychological impact. It acknowledges the task's importance without pressuring the user to complete it immediately. This subtle reminder serves as a nudge to take action, minimizing the likelihood of procrastination. Moreover, the app's visually appealing interface and user-friendly design create an inviting environment that encourages users to engage with their tasks.

Focus and Mindfulness:

Procrastination often arises from a lack of focus and mindfulness. The "Someday" feature in Insumo helps users cultivate these qualities by prompting them to set intentions and create a clear roadmap for their tasks. By consciously acknowledging and addressing non-urgent tasks, users can maintain a sense of control over their responsibilities.

How to Beat Procrastination

How to Beat Procrastination

Beating procrastination can be challenging, but with the right strategies and mindset, it is definitely possible. Here are some effective techniques to help you overcome procrastination:

Understand the Root Cause:

Reflect on why you tend to procrastinate. Is it due to fear of failure, lack of motivation, feeling overwhelmed, or something else? Identifying the underlying reasons will help you address them directly.

Set Clear Goals:

Clearly define your goals and break them down into smaller, manageable tasks. Having a clear sense of what you want to achieve and a roadmap to get there can increase your motivation and reduce the tendency to procrastinate.

Prioritize and Plan:

Determine which tasks are most important and prioritize them accordingly. Use time management techniques such as creating to-do lists, setting deadlines, and scheduling tasks. Breaking down tasks into smaller, actionable steps makes them less daunting and easier to start.

Use the Pomodoro Technique:

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management method that involves working in focused bursts followed by short breaks. Set a timer for 25 minutes and work on a task with full concentration, then take a 5-minute break. Repeat this cycle four times and take a longer break. This technique helps maintain focus and prevents burnout.

Eliminate Distractions:

Identify and eliminate or minimize distractions in your environment. Put your phone on silent or in another room, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and create a dedicated workspace that is free from distractions. Consider using website blockers or apps that limit your access to distracting websites or social media during focused work sessions.

Practice the Two-Minute Rule:

If a task takes less than two minutes to complete, do it immediately instead of putting it off. This helps build momentum and prevents small tasks from accumulating and causing overwhelm.

Use Positive Reinforcement:

Reward yourself for completing tasks or making progress. Celebrate your accomplishments, whether it's treating yourself to something you enjoy or taking a short break to relax. Positive reinforcement helps reinforce productive behavior and makes tasks more enjoyable.

Find an Accountability Partner:

Share your goals and deadlines with someone you trust and ask them to hold you accountable. Regular check-ins or working together on tasks can provide motivation and help you stay on track.

Practice Self-Compassion:

Be kind to yourself and understand that occasional setbacks or moments of procrastination are normal. Instead of beating yourself up over past procrastination, focus on the present moment and what you can do to move forward.

Break the Cycle:

Start taking action even if you don't feel motivated. Often, motivation follows action, not the other way around. Once you begin working on a task, you'll likely find it easier to continue and maintain momentum.

Procrastination and ADHD

While procrastination can affect anyone, it is particularly prevalent among individuals with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by symptoms such as inattention, hyperactivity, and impulsivity. Individuals with ADHD often struggle with executive functioning skills, including organization, time management, and task prioritization. These challenges can significantly impact their ability to initiate and sustain focus on tasks, leading to a higher propensity for procrastination.

Understanding the connection

  1. Time Perception: People with ADHD commonly experience difficulties with time perception. They may struggle to accurately estimate how long tasks will take to complete, leading to poor time management and an increased likelihood of procrastination. This distorted sense of time can make it challenging to plan and allocate sufficient time for tasks, resulting in a tendency to put things off until the last minute.

  2. Task Prioritization: Individuals with ADHD often struggle with prioritizing tasks effectively. They may find it challenging to differentiate between urgent and non-urgent tasks, leading to a lack of focus and an inclination to procrastinate. The inability to determine task importance can result in an overwhelming workload, further contributing to the procrastination cycle.

  3. Executive Functioning Deficits: Executive functions refer to cognitive processes that enable individuals to set goals, plan, and execute tasks. In individuals with ADHD, executive functioning deficits can hinder their ability to break tasks down into manageable steps, stay organized, and maintain focus. These challenges can make it difficult to initiate tasks and maintain momentum, increasing the likelihood of procrastination.

  4. Hyperfocus and Understimulation: While it may seem contradictory, individuals with ADHD can also experience periods of hyperfocus. Hyperfocus is a state in which a person becomes completely absorbed in a task of interest, often losing track of time. However, this intense focus tends to be selective and occurs mainly in activities that provide high levels of stimulation or personal interest. When faced with less stimulating or less enjoyable tasks, individuals with ADHD may struggle to maintain focus, leading to procrastination.

  5. Perfectionism and Fear of Failure: Perfectionism and fear of failure are common traits associated with ADHD. Due to their tendency to set high expectations for themselves, individuals with ADHD may avoid starting tasks if they fear they won't meet their own or others' standards. This fear of failure can lead to procrastination as a way to protect themselves from potential disappointment or criticism.

Coping Strategies for Procrastination and ADHD

Coping Strategies for Procrastination and ADHD

Time Management Techniques:

Implementing strategies such as breaking tasks into smaller, manageable steps, setting realistic deadlines, and utilizing time-blocking techniques can help individuals with ADHD better manage their time and reduce procrastination.

Task Prioritization and Organization:

Developing systems for prioritizing tasks, creating to-do lists, and using digital or physical organizers can assist in maintaining focus and preventing procrastination. Prioritizing tasks based on urgency and importance can help individuals stay on track and manage their workload effectively.

Seeking Support and Accountability:

Engaging in support networks, seeking therapy or coaching, or partnering with an accountability buddy can provide individuals with ADHD the necessary structure and encouragement to overcome procrastination tendencies. Working with professionals or peers who understand the challenges can be instrumental in developing strategies and staying motivated.

Utilizing Tools and Apps:

Productivity apps, like task managers with reminder features and visual aids, can assist in overcoming executive functioning challenges and maintaining focus on tasks.

  • Procrastination can be a significant challenge for individuals with ADHD due to difficulties with time perception, task prioritization, executive functioning deficits, hyperfocus tendencies, and perfectionism.

  • Understanding the connection between ADHD and procrastination is crucial for developing effective coping strategies. By implementing strategies such as time management techniques, task prioritization, seeking support, and utilizing tools and apps, individuals with ADHD can reduce procrastination tendencies and enhance their overall productivity.

Insumo's "Someday" feature, in particular, proves to be invaluable for individuals who procrastinate. This feature allows users to add tasks that are non-urgent and do not have a specific deadline, serving as gentle reminders to address them in the near future. By utilizing the "Someday" category, users can maintain accountability and progress, even for tasks that are not time-sensitive. This approach helps individuals to break tasks into manageable steps and maintain focus on both urgent and non-urgent responsibilities.


Our Recommendations


  1. "The Pursuit of Happyness" (2006): Based on a true story, this inspiring film follows the journey of Chris Gardner, a struggling salesman who faces numerous obstacles while trying to provide a better life for his son. It explores themes of perseverance, overcoming adversity, and the importance of taking action instead of succumbing to procrastination.

  2. "Limitless" (2011): This thriller movie centers around a struggling writer who discovers a mysterious pill that enhances his cognitive abilities, allowing him to accomplish remarkable feats. While the movie delves into the consequences of relying on shortcuts, it also highlights the potential within us to overcome procrastination and unlock our full potential.

  3. "Inside Out" (2015): Although not directly about procrastination, this animated film provides a thoughtful exploration of emotions and their influence on our actions. It offers insights into the importance of managing emotions like fear, sadness, and joy to prevent them from leading to procrastination and impeding personal growth.


  1. "The Now Habit" by Neil Fiore: Neil Fiore presents practical strategies and techniques to overcome procrastination and increase productivity. The book explores the psychological reasons behind procrastination and provides actionable advice, including the concept of "unscheduling" and creating a positive mindset to foster productivity.

  2. "Atomic Habits" by James Clear: While not solely focused on procrastination, "Atomic Habits" offers valuable insights into building effective habits and breaking detrimental ones. Clear discusses the power of small, incremental changes and provides actionable steps to create a productive and focused mindset, ultimately helping readers combat procrastination.

  3. "Solving the Procrastination Puzzle" by Timothy A. Pychyl: Timothy A. Pychyl delves into the science behind procrastination and offers practical strategies to overcome this habit. The book provides a deep understanding of the psychological factors that contribute to procrastination and offers evidence-based techniques to enhance self-regulation and boost productivity.


  1. "The Procrastination Episode" from The Happiness Lab with Dr. Laurie Santos: Hosted by Dr. Laurie Santos, this episode explores the science behind procrastination and its impact on happiness and well-being. The episode provides insights into the psychological reasons behind procrastination and offers practical tips to break the cycle and increase productivity.

  2. "Overcoming Procrastination" from The Tony Robbins Podcast: Tony Robbins addresses the issue of procrastination in this podcast episode, offering strategies and mindset shifts to overcome this habit. Through practical advice and real-life examples, Robbins provides guidance on how to take immediate action and break free from the grip of procrastination.

  3. "The Cure for Chronic Procrastination" from The Productivity Show: This episode from The Productivity Show explores the causes and consequences of chronic procrastination. The hosts share insights and actionable strategies to identify and overcome procrastination, including techniques for better time management and developing a growth mindset.

YouTube Videos:

  1. "Why Do We Procrastinate?" by AsapSCIENCE: AsapSCIENCE breaks down the science of procrastination in an engaging animated video. Exploring the psychological and neurological aspects of procrastination, the video sheds light on why we tend to put things off and offers tips for overcoming this behavior.

  2. "The Motivation Myth: How High Achievers Really Set Themselves Up to Win" by Mel Robbins: Mel Robbins delivers a captivating TEDx Talk that challenges common misconceptions about motivation and offers practical advice for taking action. The talk explores the reasons behind procrastination and provides strategies to overcome it, emphasizing the importance of mindset and accountability.

  3. "Beat Procrastination" by Matt D'Avella: Filmmaker Matt D'Avella shares his personal experiences with procrastination and offers practical insights into overcoming it in this video. He shares tips and techniques to boost productivity and break free from the habit of procrastination, providing motivation and actionable steps.

Insumo's task prioritization and organization features provide individuals the necessary structure to effectively manage their workload. Users can create to-do lists, set realistic deadlines, and utilize visual aids to keep track of tasks and stay motivated. The app's reminder features and customizable notifications further assist in maintaining focus and ensuring timely task completion.

By capturing ideas, promoting prioritization, scheduling regular reviews, encouraging incremental progress, leveraging the psychological impact of gentle reminders, and fostering focus and mindfulness, the "Someday" feature helps users stay on track and ensure that non-urgent tasks do not fall through the cracks. Embracing this innovative approach to task management can lead to increased efficiency, reduced stress, and improved overall productivity. With "Someday," procrastination becomes a thing of the past, and accomplishing tasks becomes a daily reality.

Unlock your full potential with Insumo's "Someday" feature and experience a new level of productivity and personal fulfillment.

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